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 Formation of Forum

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Number of posts : 16
Registration date : 2008-12-02

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PostSubject: Formation of Forum   Formation of Forum I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 11:06 am

Dear Members,

In the unfortunate event of closing down of the Discussuion Board on BSNL Intranet by the authorities, we have lost the only common platform, that BSNL employees across the length and breadth of the country had, to come together and share their views.

As an alternative, this board has been created so that our "Discussion Board" remains alive, albeit somewhere else on the web.

So, members come aboard and start sharing your views.

While registering you are requested to provide your details. This is mandatory. You must provide the following:

1. Your Full Name,
2. Your Designation and Place of Posting,
3. Your Contact No. (preferably Mobile No.).

Members who do not do this will be removed periodically.

This is being done to ensure that no outside people get into the forum. This forum is ONLY for the BSNL employees working all over India. So, it's for our own safety.

Am sure, you will agree with me as well.
I request your kind cooperation in this regard.

Thanks and Regards,
Moderator, BSNL Discussion Forum.
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